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Spirit Art Reading
  • Group Meditation in-person and zoom (hybrid)

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    20 US dollars
  • Development class to grow in your intuitive abilities

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    22 US dollars
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Auragraph Reading

An auragraph is a work of art that is a representation of your aura.  The colors of your aura will be represented in this reading along with an explanation of what the colors mean.  Intuiutive messages and predictions also are a part of this reading.  I like to do these real time when doing the session with the client.  Also included in this session is a .pdf file that has a detailed description of the meaning of the colors of the aura. 

The Auragraph Reading offering includes:

* A beautiful piece of art that you take home with you

(or if session is remote - will be emailed to you)

*the meaning of the auragraph along with intuitive messages

*A detailed description of the meaning of the colors 

in the aura (emailed to you)

30 Minute in-person or zoom - $ 90


Wax Intuitive Reading

This unique and very beautiful reading is something that I learned in England.  The art is a beautiful piece that is created using encaustic wax and an iron.  The resulting image is rich with intuitive and spirit messages. 

You may ask one question of the art

prior to the creation of the reading

The Wax Reading includes:

* a beautiful 3" x 5" wax art reading

*intrepretation of the art, which includes intuitive or spirit messages

30 min in person or zoom $120

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